Malevolent FlyFF » Return of the Heroes

Patch Notes v1.1

Category: News
Author: aisaka
Views: 429

1) All Tickets/Blinks have been removed.

2) Azria, Coral, etc is now part of the teleporter and locked to a minimum number of rebirths. This should open up way more space for everyone to level. And will make the currencies for the places a little more rare. There is no maximum so once you reach the milestone you may continue to farm there for any currencies you might need.

3) New website will be going online. Hopefully solving some issues some of you have been having with connecting.

4) Multi Item Pickup range is increased to combat losing loot and despawning pets during looting.

5) A buff to Lords / Couples / Guild / Level Buffs.

After todays maintenance, maintenance will begin to become a once a week thing instead of randomly.

Thank you for continued support, We enjoy making the ideas of the community come to life and providing a completely free game for everyone to enjoy. Post on FB groups, Invite your friends, Let them know the only voices that matters here are yours!

Sakura Team

1 Kyujin 300
2 Gleams 300
3 Sana 300
4 Spring 300
5 Kenji 300